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About Modern Arms

The Warrior Spirit

In an age of violence, dishonesty, and cowardice; The Warrior Spirit has never been more important. Modern Arms creates inspired wearable art representing the qualities of the world's greatest and most honored warriors.

Honesty, Integrity, Perseverance, and Bravery are just a few of the traits needed in the Modern Age. Whether it is the indomitable spirit of the Samurai or the honesty of the Chivalric Knights, you will #FINDYOURWARRIOR with Modern Arms.


The Second Amendment and our Natural Rights

What is a warrior without the tools necessary for victory? Modern Arms (MA) supports the right of men and women to "Keep and Bear Arms". Our Constitutional protections may be politically incorrect and under constant attack, but MA understands that without the 2A, our society would descend into chaos and tyranny.

MA's values do not stop at our nation's borders. We also support citizens of countries around the world in their fight for freedom. The strategies used to defend our liberties here at home can be deployed elsewhere. What we do here has an impact around the globe. 


Supporting Local Communities

Modern Arms believes that supporting communities at all levels is important in creating a better nation and a better world. We encourage the Modern Arms Family to support worthy causes and be the standard of integrity and good will. Whether it is supporting local first responders or helping the 2A or Morale Communities grow, the MA Family sets the bar. You will not find a better group of individuals. 


Modern Arms Products

We endeavor to create the highest quality products and offer the best customer service available. Many hours are spent laboring over every design and production. We don't just outsource all of our work and responsibility. We are an intimate part of the process. We believe that there should be "No Thread Left Behind" and we have the callouses and burnt fingers to prove it.


The Future

What is in store for Modern Arms? From our very first Little Red Patch to our most recent Warrior Series Design, it has been a long journey filled with success and yes - Mistakes! Both have made our products and resolve greater than ever before and the best is yet to come.

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